"Training I: Basics"
(FB Connections)
Hey (NAME)! Ok, awesome. Welcome to the team and CONGRATS! :)
So keep in mind that the ONLY real way to succeed with internet marketing is by connecting
with real people. Not just by ads but just as you have seen me do with you. Emailing back
and forth (emailing, texting, or FB messenger, or talking on the phone or by YouTube or in
person or any other form of communication).
Without real communication, there is no trust built and no consistent sales.
The most you can hope for with just advertising a link is
the occasional sale by luck. Five years of occasional luck, drove me CRAZY (lol!).
Anyway, I get sales every day online because I simply communicate with
real people and hold conversations with them by email (or other). This creates
trust and trust opens the doors for sales to happen consistently.
(I know it changed things for me).
So let's go down a different path this time. Remember the MAIN
job of internet marketing is not advertising or building capture pages or doing videos or FB posts
or anything like that (there's nothing wrong with these, however). The real job is communicating
with people so they can say something and you can respond back - period (not usually about selling either.
Just conversations about your life or their life etc)...
I personally use scripts for 95% of my emails (but the other 5% really responding with a heartfelt answer
is probably the most important). If you find that you've been spending your day, creating this
and that and learning this and that but not actually connecting with anyone, then expect no money to pass hands.
One simple point I make about this is that if one were just to spend a week on Facebook (for example), just connecting
and making friends naturally without trying to sell them anything or push them into anything, then by the
end of the week, you would have created quite a big "warm list" (if you actually worked at it, that is).
Eventually one could feel very natural about sending them this simple message:
"Hey (name), quick question...
I found something really exciting to share with you. Do you have a second real quick to check it out?"
Keep in mind that this simple sentence (if done at the wrong time) will completely backfire on you. However,
if you have really connected with real people you really like about things you really like to talk about, then
sharing this with them at the right time can have amazing results. Remember here that you're really trying
to make real friends, NOT just sell them stuff.
If for instance, they say "yes" or "sure, what is it?". Then send them this :
"ok great! How are you by the way?"
{Notice I didn't send them a link yet!}
Once they answer that question you can then say something like this:
"That's really good to hear. Ok, so here's something that has been blowing up for us:
Will you check it out and let me know what you think (their NAME)?
It's a short video..."
After this just follow up for a couple of days more with simple sentences like:
"How did it go?"
"Did you get my last message?"
"Are you there (NAME)?"
After this, just leave them alone for a week or two. However, I think you will find that using this method
will get people watching the video and moving forward (and for me, one out of six join).
Now to be completely open and upfront, I use email marketing, YouTube marketing,
Facebook marketing and Texting cold leads etc and I'm good at it. But each of these is way more
advanced and takes time to learn. I don't expect you to learn how to know what ad will work
by tomorrow that will get subscribers opting in to your ad page and then know what to say to
them and how to keep writing them new emails every day that will catch their attention.
I certainly can teach you if you like, but I want to help you start earning for real with something
that really works. Unfortunately, everything that really works, must be really worked at, and this
is SUPER GREAT too if you realize that work builds your dreams. It certainly has for me!
One more important thing: If you like the idea of learning communication via Facebook or text,
then there is a different program that I would highly suggest (before you run the course of your
seven days free with the Prosperity Marketing System). It's only $20 a month and will give you
ten times better results in this case. You can ask me about this if you like.
However, if you want to learn email marketing only, then the Power Lead System is the best,
the Home Business Pro or the Prosperity Marketing System will also work (but be prepared to
have to buy other additional tools along the way after you get the hang of it)
Anyway...I sent you this personal message and training to really help you. There is a training link
to help you also:
This page can also be found inside the Training Courses SIte in the Prosperity Marketing System also.
It can be found under: "YBY Training".
Go to "Training Tab Step One" to begin once the YBY site is up.
Keep in mind, that what I have shared with you in this email is where the "rubber hits the road" so to speak!
If you want to make sales with your business (whether it's a restaurant, a plumber, an internet marketer, or the
President of your country), then learn how to connect with people. If you don't, you won't have any people eating
your food, calling you about their stopped-up sink, giving you donations, or responding back to you that they would
like to "know more" about your online business. The coolest thing about doing this on the internet is that you can do
it from anywhere, earn residual income and mid-ticket and high-ticket sales (and change your life in time!)
Last tip: I'm investing my time in you, (NAME).
If you follow me and invest in me, then when you become the leader, you can invest in others and they will follow you
and invest in you. They will be loyal to the one who cares about their success.
Has this helped you?
"Training II: Basics"
βEmail Marketing Basics