.............................................................Welcome from Albie Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska,........................................................
Creators of The Online Marketing Academy!


Watch the Video Below For More Details About Using Scripts

to Communicate with Your Prospects:


Additional training on Scripts HERE



YBY Scripts - HERE
Team Scripts - HERE
PLS Gold Scripts - HERE
HBA Scripts - HERE
GDI Scripts - HERE
SHG Scripts - HERE






We call this Course the "One Email a Day for 30 Days Challenge".

You watch what will happen at the end of that time! This course will help

you find your "Spark" and help you learn how to

dramatically increase your ratio of sales!



Page One:




 Get Subscribers..................................................................

 Email your subscribers using 1st Script..........................

 Get a response? Use 2nd Script........................................

 Text or Call Them. ............................................................


Copy / Paste Letter: 

Also watch for all the (NAME) areas and put their name in there.
There are a few areas scattered throughout each message.

[Make sure to take OUT ALL RED words in brackets
but make sure you read them FIRST!]

When You Get a Subscriber
[First, click on their email address and copy paste this message.
Add their name to it and put “(their name) from (you)” in the subject title.]

Here’s the email to send when they first subscribe

(NOT for when they write back asking for info): 


Script I:

Hi (NAME)! I just wanted to send you a personal little note to say hello. :)
I see you're from ??. I'm from ?? Pasadena CA myself. Anyway,

I noticed you subscribed to ??"Cash Now Funnel" under us. My business partner Elizabeta 
and I are available to help you and have had a lot
of success building teams online. Do you have any questions about advertising that I can answer, 
or would you like to join our team, ?

~Albie (Your Name)


First Response by Email.

Qualifying Script I


Hey (NAME). So nice to meet you! ??

Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate that. So do you mind me sharing my story with you (NAME)?
It might help you:
In 2012 our school lost funding and I lost my job as a teacher (been a kindergarten teacher for 20 years) 
So over the years, I was in 40 different business opportunities and never had real success with any of them.
Sure I made some money here and there but my biggest problem was consistent online sales.
Anyway, my online business changed when I came across my seven-figure income mentor.
My mentor taught me a lot of things but the most important was how vital real communication is with your
new prospects and team. Today we have over 160 paying members on our team with over 17 leaders
and it keeps growing daily. We make sales every single day and often It’s because of our team and not even
our personal efforts anymore. Before I used to have trouble even making a sale maybe once a month. 
We have a screening process and are looking for those who are a good 
fit (for us both) to join our team. Anyway, we will share our main program (that we earn the most from) 
with you and teach you the skills that changed our lives. We will also personally coach you, 
mentor you, and share all our best traffic and advertising sites with you and the best methods of 
creating consistent sales. Would you like to join our team, (NAME)? 
~Albie (Your Name)

Qualifying Script II



Hey (NAME). So nice to meet you! 

Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate that. 
So for years I tried to earn successfully online but failed over and over again. In 2018 a seven-figure 
earner and mentor changed my life by teaching me five critical business skills. Because of this, I earn 
every day online now. I can show you these same skills too if you would like to learn them, (NAME). 
The thing is, that I'm only looking for very specific people who not only want to make money but who 
have a high desire for success. I'm looking for people who are FUN, but SERIOUS and COMMITTED.
These people 
are like me, who even though I was living paycheck to paycheck, still found creative
ways to save up, borrow, or do whatever I needed to get the money and 
take the courses to become
better and triple my income.

Not only that but I also found a way to pay for the right tools that I needed to begin implementing
these skills. If you're at all like me and 
find that you LOVE using these same marketing tools and
helping others change their lives too - then working together with you would be AWESOME! 
If that sounds like you, then I would love to help you personally, work with you one-on-one, and
walk with you through the path to six and seven figures online. My seven-figure mentor can be 
your mentor too and together we can do some amazing things (if you're willing to step out of your 
comfort zone). Are you? Let me know, (NAME)! 
~Albie (Your Name)


Qualifying Script II


Hey (NAME). So nice to meet you! 

Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate that. ??
So we're looking for people who are deadly serious about making at least $3,000/mo or more...
...Within the next 6 months, working 2 hours a day from home.
So the person we're looking to work with has 3 main qualities: 
1. They have a burning desire to become financially free from home.
2. They are a BIG thinker with a "can do" attitude. 
3. They are teachable, coachable and hungry to learn new skills. 
Does that sound like you, (NAME)?...If so, tell me why you'd be a good fit. 
~Albie (Your Name)

[NOTE: Send this message AGAIN, 
if you don’t hear back in a couple days.]
. .

Second Response Back
[Here’s the first response email if they want you to “Share with me more” ]

HBA Basic Sale: 

Hey (NAME)! 👋

So great! It sounds like you're ready. ??
So here's a pic of me...so you can see what I look like: 

Me with a circle .png

I'm excited to be working with you (NAME)!

Please take some time to watch the videos and study the program.

We have tons of members making anywhere from $3000 -$15,000/mo.

I'm looking forward to helping you make your first internet dollar! 

The website is https://coachalbie.com/3k-sales-page


Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. 

You can email me back or "friend" me on Facebook at 


​​​​​​​~Albie     (YOUR NAME)

HBA MID Ticket Sale:
Hey (NAME)! 👋

So great to hear from you. :) 
So here's a pic of me...so you can see what I look like: 


Me with a circle .png

Here's the link to join me in HBA and get started with this awesome program: 


You will see tons of bonuses and weekly help inside this to start
moving forward and achieving your goals: 

Will you let me know how it goes (NAME)? 

~Albie (YOUR NAME)

[ Albie's Note: By the way send me your story and I can edit this
message above for you specifically. See #8 for Sample Edits.]

. . 4.

Welcome To Our Team"

Then Text And / Or
Call Them.

Welcome Text
1) go into PLS under: "TEAM" Tab, then click drop down menu and look for:
"PLS Customers Prediction (Gold)"

2) Find customers phone number. Then send them a text:

Hello (NAME)!
This is (Your Name). I'm your sponsor in the Power 
Lead System [or Whatever program] (that you joined for $1 for 14 days).
We've had a lot of success working online (but it wasn't
always this way) and I just wanted 
to say hi and see
if I could help you? 


Welcome Call (Optional)



Introduce yourself. 
"Do you mind telling me your
story of what's happened to you working online?"

Listen to their story and pay attention to info about "FORM" as 
they share:


Share my story with them. 
Walk with them through the 5 Critical Skills:

1. Importance of: 
Advertising and tracking

2. Having ads that convert.

You will need a coach to learn how to advertise correctly
and which ads to use or else you will fall into catch 22:
"Is my advertising bad or my 
ad?" Either of these will stop you from building a big list. 

If you have these two things then you can 
create #3: 

3. Build an email list.
You can have the biggest list in the world but if you don't 
learn how to build relationships with your subscribers then
communicate effectively with them, you might as well throw 
the list away. 

4. Effective Communication with your list. 

You will need a coach to learn how to communicate correctly or 
Otherwise, waste years of time trying to figure this out. 

5. Critical Skill #5 is "Having an effective Funnel".
An effective funnel will either earn you a little money or a lot. 
For years I played around with earning from $10 and $20 offers.
I was able to earn a little extra money, but nothing that 
changed my life. That's why I'm going to share this with you.
This is going to sound like a sales pitch to you but I want you
to understand that this is for you to see how our 
team earns SO much! 


Let me share with you how we earn a lot of money. 
We use a funnel called HBA (Home Business Academy). 
When you start this funnel, you can start at the $25 level (and 
earn $20 from it monthly (that's 80% profit!)

If you do this, you can then take the Free trial of the $120 level
and earn $100 residual income from each customer, each month. 
This is also 80% profit. 100 customers will mean $100,000 a year
for you. 


But you and I both know that getting 100 customers will take time.
So that's why earning HIGH TICKET SALES is so important!

When you complete this level, you will then be offered the $1000 
level. If you take advantage of it at this time, you will be offered
$500 OFF the total price (so it will only cost $500) and you will be able to earn $400
from it over and over again. If you try to catch this offer later or inside
HBA, it will cost you $1000. This package is really valuable and you
will see all it offers you when you see it. 

Critical Skill #4 is effective funnel building and the HBA funnel is how our
team earns high-ticket sales over and over again. 

If you go "ALL IN" at this $500 level, then I will be able to help coach and 
mentor you personally. I will help you find the "holes" in your business and help you
fine-tune everything.


I will also teach you each of the 5 Critical Skills and 
personally help you with them each week.


I will also share all my BONUSES with you called
"The Unbelievable Bonus" which gives you $100 FREE

$100 free upgrade in another program we 
participate in (and ability to earn $100 from this also).

It also offers you a $100 bonus for us to help set up your advertising
FOR you 
(and give you advanced training on the advertising method pros use to
build their list VERY fast!)


On top of this, we're giving you thousands of dollars in real coaching
and mentoring each week.

We will open the door for you to come to our Zoom room 3x a week
and ask questions. We'll personally show you our most effective advertising,
the share codes to over 100 capture pages we have on our team site, what we say 
to our prospects by email, and anything else on your mind at the time! 

How does this sound to you (NAME)? 

Wait for the answer...


OR use this script as a reference: 


Share Code: 752201-How-To-Quit-Your-Job



Option I
Email For: Facebook Message

Option II
Option For Email, Text Or For Calandly




"To Move Them To HBP Level"

Email Follow-up Once Trust Has
Been Built by Text, Phone, Facebook or Calendly


Hey (NAME)! So nice to meet you today on the phone! (or by text).

It was so great to hear about what you've been going through and 
how I might be able to help you! 

I hope it all made sense. Please let me know if you have any 

Here's the link I told you about with more info on working with me 1:1: 

(Link for HBP Funnel): 


(Link for Wildfire PLS/ HBP ):


Would you let me know how it goes (NAME)? 


Script A:

Hey (NAME). So nice to meet you! ??

Thanks for letting me know and sharing a little with me! I understand how you feel because
I went for years without anyone to help me.
Anyway, would you like to talk one-on-one with me by Zoom / Facebook Messenger? (choose)
I would love to meet you and see how I can 
help! I can send you a link if you think that would work. 
Let me know! 

Hey  (NAME)! Welcome to the Team! 

So would you like to connect with me 
on Facebook Messenger so we can chat a little by text? 
I would love to meet you and can't wait to hear a little 
about what you're looking for!


Hey (NAME)! Thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate that. 
Here's the link to set up an appointment with me by Zoom.

I look forward to sharing with you the same skills that changed my life.
I was taught by a seven-figure mentor and he helped me to
make sales every day online!


Let me know if you need anything else (NAME)

Talk soon!


Video Link for this script: 

Hey (NAME)! So nice to meet you. ??

Thanks SO much for connecting with me. I really appreciate that!
Here's a personal video message back to you. I hope you will take a
couple mins to watch it real quick as it could be lifechanging for you: 
Will you let me know your thoughts on the video (NAME)? 

~Albie (YOUR NAME)


(This is NOT part of Script!)

Actual LINK:  https://messagefromourteam.albiesteam2.com/


Script E:
Qualify Script: 


Hey (NAME). So nice to meet you! ??

Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate that. 

So we're looking for a leadership-minded person who 
wants to make $8 - $10K a month in their spare time. 


1. Must be someone who’s not afraid to fail (who’s not afraid to “fall down
and get back up again.”) 

2. Must like to help others

3. Not afraid to go outside of their comfort zone and write an email (no
experience needed / will train) or do a video (again no experience needed
/ will train). 

4. Someone who's ok that this is NOT a job! This is your own business where
you can build your own dreams (instead of those of your boss). 

5. Someone who LOVES working on their computer when they can and is
willing to ACTUALLY do the daily work to fire their boss. 

Answer Question:

6. If you knew the right formula to succeeding online, how much would you
be willing to pay to earn 100x what you paid, and change your life financially? 

(Don't forget to include your answer in your email reply)

If you can answer YES! to all of these, simply reply back to this email with the
 to the question above and let me know!

(I will reply back within one day, so look for reply). 

Looking forward to working with you! 



Script F: 
How Much Will It Cost For
Your Help and Expertise?


(NAME), so the main cost is a desire to succeed. If you have that then
you will figure out how to access ANYTHING or cost that you need. 
There has been nothing that has got in the way of me changing my life, 
being able to work for myself, and accomplishing the dreams I want to achieve 
in my life - even though I often didn't have the money at the time to access 
some of the things I needed (But I saved up). Does that make sense? 
I start off helping people learn the basics of how to earn with a simple 
$1 trial membership of the Power Lead System (PLS) for 14 days. 
After that, PLS is about $1 and 75 cents a day. PLS has every tool that 
I need to help you learn the right skills. 
When you’re ready to learn the main skill that changed my life (effective communication), 
then there is a course in PLS that teaches it for under $500…and if you want to learn 
how to make hundreds of dollars a week online (more than just small monthly income), 
then there is a $1500 course for that too. However, let's take things one step at a time 
and I will help you as you go. 
Would you like me to send you the link (NAME)? 
~Albie (Your Name)

(NAME), so nice to hear from you again. 
Ok, so the main cost is a desire to succeed. If you have that then
you will figure out how to access ANYTHING or cost that you need. 
There has been nothing that has gotten in the way of me changing my life, 
being able to work for myself, and accomplishing the dreams I want to achieve 
in my life - even though I often didn't have the money at the time to access 
some of the things I needed (But I saved up or got creative or whatever). 
Does that make sense? Your desire to achieve a better life will help you 
figure it all out.
I start off helping people learn the basics of how to earn with a simple $12 
a month program. Almost anyone can afford that and you
can earn $10 over and over again. That way you can begin 
When you’re ready to learn the main skill that changed my life (effective communication), 
then there is a course in the Power Lead System (PLS) that teaches it for under $500…
if you want to learn how to make hundreds of dollars a week online (more than just a 
small monthly income), However, let's take things one step at a time 
and I will help you as you go. 
Would you like me to send you the link (NAME)? 


Full Formula Share Codes

Congratulations on Viewing These Scripts.??

Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We're looking forward to working with you!

Elizabeta Kuzevska Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


Every new affiliate goes in our rotator
and stays there until they have 3 affiliates
under them. Those 3 affiliates get 3 affiliates,
etc,. etc. Get the power of this



Created by OMA©  2022